Koryo Korean Hand Therapy (KHT)
Koryo Korean Hand Therapy (KHT) is an exciting and powerful micro-meridian therapy that affects the entire body through treatment on the hands using eastern methods of healing including Acupuncture, Acupressure, Moxibustion, Magnet Therapy, Gold / Silver plates stimulation pellets plus much more and can be fully practiced both invasively and non-invasively.
Koryo Korean Hand Therapy (KHT)
Price from: £43.00
Careful mapping of all the body meridian points are reflected on the hand giving practitioners the opportunity to apply stimulation, reduction and tonification to 5 element practise and the use of extraordinary channels. KHT is used to treat all the modern diseases and disorders that acupuncture is used for.
There is a strong link between the hands and the brain. The large hand area in the motory and sensory cortex of the brain shows the important part played by the hands in controlling all functions of the body. Stimulation of the hands can help balance the autonomic nervous system by reducing over excited sympathetic nerves helping the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and maintain a natural body temperature ensuring the immune to perform to its optimum.
Book a Koryo Korean Hand Therapy (KHT)
Call us on 07702 494 731 or fill in the form below and we'll be in touch.
Bev Jones
Phone number 07702494731
Emeraldwaya@gmail.com Poisenivy@hotmail.co.uk
Inst @emerald.waya
Facebook @emeraldwaya
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